Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thank the Little Baby Jesus for Jim Bunning!

Bunning's boneheaded stand, and now cowering retreat, will be key elements in the tidal wave sweep by the Republicans this fall.

Jim, you're out.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ball Four - Bunning walks - or will be walking soon.

The chump / chimp Senator from Kentucky is going to be looking for a new job so let's help him out. He certainly won't be looking in anything related to government, in an ongoing effort to limit same. One might think he'd be attending fittings for McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts' uniforms but that would be unlikely as he clearly lacks any ability to relate to the public.

So what will it be for the ex-pitcher?

Here's wishing him hours spent on long lines looking for assistance from the government he disgraces.