Thursday, November 12, 2009

Learning 2.0 = Bronchitis

Am I the only one or has everyone contracted bronchitis because of doing Learning 2.0. The minute I opened the MP3 player we got as a reward for completing the course I started coughing...and I couldn't stop.

I had to trade in the player for some antibiotics and I'm just now getting my breath back.

Other than this most recent development, I have appreciated Learning 2.0 no end. As August ended I could do none of what Learning 2.0 covered. Now I can do it all - some better, some really poorly - but all, nonetheless.

So the edict now is practice, practice, practice and keep learning.


Brigid said...

feel better whit!

kristen said...

whit! i hope your feeling better! my husband too has bronchitis...the antibotics seem to be helping.

Akearns said...

I couldn't agree more with your sentiment of PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! And try not to infect others either - unless it is with ENTHUSIASM for 2.0 tools! :-)