Thursday, November 5, 2009

Learnng 2.0, November 2009, NY Yankees 27th World Championship Edition

How do you make a Philly Cheese Steak? (there must be some baseball / Yankee dominance answer to this riddle but I don't know it)

Confession: a concerned family member told me about the above You Tube video when I signed up for the MLIS program...

Alan Watts (d. 1973) easily the biggest influence on my life, bar none. Give him a try...

eAudiobooks...well, how much time do you have? I worked in audiobooks from 1995 until earlier this year when Simon & Schuster, along with most publishers, laid many folks off. I was involved with Recorded Books and then by extension with their involvement with NetLibrary. Many publishers are now also using a company called Overdrive to deliver eaudio to libraries - there's a program called Listen NJ that Overdrive runs - that's what's used in South Orange, where I live.

While eaudiobooks through libraries all sounds (sic) very nice, for the authors it can easily be a financial disaster if the proprietors of the audio rights are not vigilant. But that's a story for another day...

1 comment:

John I said...

This is hysterical. I don't look forward to ever having to dress up like a Viking Librarian though.