Thursday, September 24, 2009

attempt at Smilebox slide show post

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Alex Italy Soccer
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John I said...


This is totally awesome. I am so impressed. I remember when I was 16 and on a traveling soccer team we went to Scotland. The pictures are in a box somewhere in the basement. This is such a cool idea. I am going to try. Great motivator.


Akearns said...

Really good job, Whit.... I haven't seen one of these specifically before, it's nice! Who's team is this?

Whit W said...

This was a team my son Alex played for. His local team in South Orange - a Cougars club - uses a group/company called UK Elite as trainers - young men and women from, you guessed it, the UK who come over and work with kids here - pretty much in the Northeast. They, in turn, put together teams that they then take to Europe for various tournaments: this year was San Marino; next year somewhere in Spain.